How to Make Structured Water - Mayu Water Blog

How to Make Structured Water

Ever wondered how to make structured water at home? Dive into the science and learn how to structure water into its hexagonal form for enhanced benefits.

Photo of Cameron-Leigh Henning
By Cameron-Leigh Henning
Photograph of Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Updated March 25, 2024.

Water in a glass jar

Structured water, also known as hexagonal water, is water where the molecules form a hexagonal cluster. Structured water is said to have very close similarities to pure and uncontaminated mineral water found in natural springs and glacier melts.

We will guide you through the differences between two types of drinking water: structured water and unstructured water. We also explain how to make your own structured water at home.

Structured vs. Unstructured Water: Brief Overview

Unstructured water has a chemical formula of H2O, meaning two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom to make up a water molecule.

Structured water, on the other hand, has a chemical formula of H3O2, which means that three hydrogen atoms combine with two oxygen atoms to form something chemically different from “normal” water.

Structured waterUnstructured water
Formula: H302Formula: H2O
Denser, heavier, more viscous, and has higher alkalinity levelsHas a balanced pH of 7
Water molecules have a higher electrical charge vital for proper cell functioningWater molecules form irregular angles making it more difficult for the cells to absorb
Water molecules are more easily absorbed in the cells due to their shapeWater molecule size may not be as effective for cell absorption and may cause dehydration

4 Ways to Make Structured Water

Making your own structured water is the best way to ensure that you have access to this unique type of water with great health benefits. It gives you the flexibility to incorporate structured water into your daily routine and experience its potential benefits firsthand. Here are the four popular methods to make structured water.

1. The Crystal Method

Crystal water and structured water are believed to be the same thing. Many people suggest that you can create structured water by charging it with crystals such as rose quartz, clear quartz, and amethyst, as they are water-safe. Other than that, you will need a glass jar and some clean water.

  • Begin by filling your jar with high-quality water and place it where it will get some sunlight—this way, the water will be charged through the crystals and heat energy.
  • Place your crystals in your glass jar and put the lid on if you have one.
  • Leave the crystals and the jar for a couple of hours.
  • You can remove the crystals from the water or leave them in—the choice is yours.

2. The Funnel Method

This method makes use of a vortex technique—which we will cover in more detail in the section below. You will need a funnel, a smooth stone or crystal that is not a perfect sphere, clean water, and marbles.

  • Take your funnel and place it over the opening of a glass bottle.
  • Take the smooth crystal or stone and place it into the funnel—but make sure that the hole is not completely blocked.
  • Fill the funnel up to halfway with marbles.
  • Pour your clean water over the marbles, which will create a vortex effect as it runs over them, structuring the water.
  • You should do this a few times for the best effect.

By using a water structuring device like MAYU Swirl, you can create structured water via the vortex technique easily at home and enjoy its advantages whenever you need it.

Mayu Swirl - three best and most stunning bedside table glass carafes

MAYU Swirl

Water structuring carafe for optimal hydration

Read reviews


100% grade A borosilicate glass; hand-made porcelain base


ETL certified, CE certified, FCC compliance


1.5L / 51 Oz


Two years

Enhance your water’s texture and ensure you drink the healthiest H3O2 structured water with Mayu Swirl.

The MAYU Swirl water structuring carafe harnesses the gentle power of the spiral motion to deliver reoxygenated, rebalanced, and rejuvenated living water that tastes great and provides long-lasting hydration.

Unlike ordinary water pitchers, the MAYU Swirl employs innovative vortex technology that restores water molecules to their natural form, allowing better absorption into your body's cells and ensuring delicious-tasting water.

The whirlpool motion also recaptures lost vitality by allowing oxygen to balance and alkalize your water 6,000 times faster.

Easy to use

Enhances water's natural flavor

2-year limited warranty

Needs regular cleaning

Needs charging

3. The Copper Method

It is believed that adding a copper plate to your water vessel not only removes impurities from the water but also restores it to its natural, structured state. You will need one clay or steel pot, clean water, a copper plate or sheet that is at least 1 mm thick (just over 1/32 inch), lemon, and salt.

  • Clean your pot and fill it with high-quality water.
  • Thoroughly scrub both sides of the copper plate with a lemon and salt mixture until any oxidation marks are removed.
  • Rinse the copper plate and wipe it dry.
  • Place the plate into the pot and cover the pot with a lid.
  • Let the water sit for 6-8 hours—or overnight—for best results.
  • Remove the copper plate and use your structured water for drinking and cooking purposes.

4. Infrared or UV Light Method

It is believed that structured water can be made using ultraviolet or infrared light. You will need a glass jar, clean water, and either a UV or infrared light.

  • Fill your glass jar with clean water.
  • Plug in your chosen light source and place it so that it’s shining on the glass jar or from above.
  • Leave it on for 3-4 hours.
Water in a glass jar

Can You Make Structured Water in a Blender?

One of the ideas behind making structured water is to vortex it, which charges it and allows it to hold more energy. In nature, vortices are energy accumulators and energy transformers.

A vortex has the ability to restore natural energy patterns to something that has been disturbed or contaminated. Vortices provide the ability to remove all forms of contaminants in water by transforming the electromagnetic frequencies of the water back to their original, healthy state.

When water flows through a vortex, de-structured, contaminated, and corrupted water molecules are returned to a structured state.

With that being said, if your blender creates a vortex effect, blending your water may restore it to a structured state. However, water structuring devices are a better choice to guarantee you receive the vortex water benefits.

» Learn how to remineralize your RO water

Water at Its Finest

Structured water is found naturally occurring in untouched and uncontaminated water sources. As there are many benefits to structured water, but it's not always easy to access it in nature, many people turn to making their own H3O2 water.

While there are various methods for making structured water at home, one of the easiest and most effective ways is to purchase a water structuring device. The MAYU Swirl is one such device that transforms any water into structured water quickly and effortlessly—giving you peace of mind that your water is truly in its finest state.